Here's how to sell more books, if you hate social media, but love podcasts.

Step 1: Set Up an Email Course

Before going on a podcast, don’t just send listeners to Amazon—send them to your email list.

Create a 5-day email course based on your book.

It’s like giving readers a test drive before they commit to buying.

Bonus tip: buy a memorable, easy-to-spell domain for the course. That way, when people hear you mention it, they’ll actually remember it!

Step 2: Be a Guest on Podcasts

Every author who does a podcast tour knows interviews are a goldmine for book sales and newsletter sign-ups.

Hearing your voice builds trust and authority in a way that a tweet never will.

I always download a Kindle sample of an author I listened to for 30 min.

And the best part?

It only costs you time.

When the host asks where listeners can find you, DON'T tell them your blog or social handles—direct them to your free email course with your shiny, memorable URL.

Step 3: Email Your List Daily

Daily emails might sound like overkill, but they work.

Imagine emailing your readers every day leading up to your next book launch.

By then, they’ll have received hundreds of emails from you and will be primed to pre-order your book the moment it’s available.

P.S. If you need help with Step 1 setting up an email course for your book, book a call or check out my email course.

The No-Social Media Strategy to Sell More Books