No More Book Launch Flops

Blair (that's me) ghostwrites 5-Day Educational Email Courses for Christian authors because—unlike those soul-sucking newsletters—these courses build a list of eager subscribers and get your book sales humming on autopilot.

Or sign up to my 5-Day Email Course Roadmap (yep, an email course about email courses)

Why Books Flop

(and why it needs to stop)

You’ve poured countless hours into crafting a book that tackles a burning Christian question.

You've got a promotional plan, but let's face it—you might as well be casting lots to guess if it'll drive sales.

Sure, your email newsletter picks up a few sign-ups now and then, but those monthly updates aren't exactly turning readers into raving book buyers.

Launch day arrives, and... crickets.

It’s not just disappointing—it’s a missed opportunity to make the impact you were called to make.

It shouldn't be like that.

If only you could rally a crowd of engaged readers who already understand the problem your book solves and are primed to buy.

Educational Email Courses

(What you get, when you work with Blair)

Get a 5-day email course ghostwritten for you—strategically crafted from your book to build a list of eager readers, while keeping the best content reserved for paying readers.

Your content, transformed—I adapt your book’s style for online readers while keeping your voice, ensuring it captures attention, connects you with the reader, and drives engagement in today’s fast-paced digital world.

A stand-alone, high-converting landing page—I build and optimize a one-page website that isn’t tied to your blog or site, designed to turn visitors into subscribers with 30-50% conversion rates, unlike 1% newsletter signup rate.

Everything set up and automated—from the tech stack to the email sequences, I handle all the technical details, creating an independent online asset that works for you 24/7.

Iron sharpens iron—I’m more than just a ghostwriter. I bring a digital marketing eye and a theological background to ensure your email course deeply connects with your Christian audience.

Launch with an audience already in place—with my done-for-you service, you’ll have a list of eager subscribers ready to buy before your book even hits the shelves (Works great for published books, too.)

All this, delivered in just 30 days—a complete, turnkey service that takes your book from manuscript to marketing machine, freeing you to focus on what you do best: writing books

Why Blair?

(a Theo-Digi-Preneur)

I get it—navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing can feel like trying to catch a fish with your bare hands, especially when your mission is so important.

But email is here to stay.

In 2013, with no marketing budget, I helped my wife build an email list of 5,000 subscribers using a free online course delivered by email with no ad budget.

Today, educational email courses still outperform most other email list-building approaches (e.g. free pdf download).

I’ve analyzed over 100 newsletters from Christian authors, identifying common mistakes that make them SNOOZE-letters.

Their biggest problem:

Not promising the answer to a burning question.

So, they offer no real reason to sign up.

So, as a follower of Jesus with a deep background in theology and digital marketing, I feel uniquely equipped to help Christian authors like you.

Let’s make your book a powerful tool for making disciples.

More about Blair

My full name is Blair John Lee.

I’m a father of three daughters, and I've lived in Germany for over 20 years with my German wife.

I hold a BS in Religion and Philosophy from Dallas Baptist University and an MA in Aspects of Biblical Interpretation from the London School of Theology.

Originally aiming to become a college professor, I discovered my passion for online entrepreneurship.

Helping Christian authors sell more books means more Christians are slowing down to be discipled. Just as Paul scaled himself with his letters, how much more can Christian authors scale their messages with a book that has a proven digital content strategy like educational email courses?

This journey, along with my theological insights, allows me to create educational email courses that resonate deeply with Christian audiences and drive meaningful engagement.

Blair's Plan

(here is how it works)

Step 1) Book a Free Consultation:

Schedule a time to see if we’re a good fit. We’ll discuss your book, your goals, and map out a 30-day plan tailored to your needs.

Step 2) Educational Email Course Creation:

I’ll dive into your book, ghostwrite your educational email course that captures your voice, and handle all the tech—from email automation to crafting a high-converting landing page.

Step 3) Launch and Engage:

Launch your email course and start building a list of eager, engaged subscribers who are ready to buy your book and connect with your message.

Want to kick the tires first? Then sign up for my 5-Day Email Course Roadmap.


(Freaky Absurd Queries...not really)

"I’m worried that the ghostwriter won’t capture my voice or message accurately."

Your voice and message are non-negotiable, and they need to shine like a bacon in your Egg McMuffin. As a theologically trained Christian and a ghostwriter, I don’t just skim through your work; I dive in headfirst. My process? It’s all about rolling up my sleeves, collaborating closely with you. Together, we arrive at the final product.

"Hiring a ghostwriter feels like I’m not being true to my own writing."

I see my role as supporting and enhancing your work, not replacing it. The educational email course is a way to extend the reach of your message, not alter it. I work closely with you to ensure that the course aligns with your voice, values, and vision, maintaining the integrity of your original content.

"What if the ghostwriter doesn’t understand the theological nuances of my work?

We will clarify any theological concerns before agreeing to anything. I am a Bible-believing, born-again Christian with a Bachelor of Science in General Studies from Dallas Baptist University and a Master of Arts in Biblical Interpretation from London School of Theology—both Protestant, Jesus-following schools. I’m well-versed in the complexities and nuances that are crucial to your work, ensuring that theological accuracy is maintained throughout the email course.

"I’m concerned about the cost and whether it’s worth the investment."

Investing in a well-crafted educational email course is an investment in your future book sales and audience growth, providing real value that can pay for itself many times over.

That being said, this course is not worth it if you have no desire to be active on social media, podcasts, or public teaching. In other words, I cannot generate traffic to your 5-day educational email course for you. But, I can offer you proven strategies for driving traffic to the course.

"I don’t know if I have the time to properly collaborate with a ghostwriter."

There will be a need for some meetings to hammer out key issues, but these can also be addressed through recorded messages if that’s more convenient for you. I understand that your time is valuable, so I strive to make the process as efficient as possible while ensuring we achieve the best results. I will outline your very few responsibilites to ensure a 30-day delivery.

"What if the email course doesn’t generate the results I’m hoping for?"

EECs work best if you are actively promoting your book in some way or regularly creating content on social media. While no marketing strategy can guarantee results, educational email courses have a proven track record of success across various industries. They are designed to convert well, build engagement, and drive book sales.

"Why would they buy my book if they can get it for free in an email course?"

A 5-day email course cannot possibly encompass the depth of your book. The course is designed to give them a taste and leave them wanting more. You can deliberately leave key insights out of the course, so that they have to buy the book to find out the full story and dive deeper into the content

"Does it have to be a 5-day course? What if that's too short?

In most cases, a 5-day course is ideal for maintaining attention and engagement. However, depending on your content and goals, the course can be extended up to 7 days. Any longer than that, and you risk losing your audience’s interest. The goal is to provide value while keeping your readers eager for more.