'Bout Blair's Blog

Imagine a thought bubble escapes your mind.
And like all thought bubbles they will pop.
....you remember that you have a bow and quiver slung around your shoulder.
In your quiver are arrow-like pencils.
Only in this way can you transform the thought bubble into something solid.
But you must be swift before it's too late.
You position a pencil on the bowstring, draw, aaaaannnnddd...

You miss.
If you had only devoted yourself to this strange form of archery, something special would have happened.
Your thought bubbles would have transformed into:
- steel anvils,
- slabs of meat,
- and immovable granite boulders
Things you can build your life on.
Things you can stub your toes on.
Things you can get fat on.
Write or Wither
The truth is, I will disintegrate unless I write.
It gives me:
- focus, creativity, substance
- sharper thoughts, wiser words, more concise communication
- a lard of fun
I could use some more lard.
A blog is not always best
The truth is → A blog is not the best place to write, if you want immediate feedback.
So, you can find me at @blairjohnlee X (Twitter) where I focus on more Christian topics.
On LinkedIn I write more about online marketing for authors.
That is where my supposed "meaty" thoughts get turned to Swiss cheese.
What does thin Blair write about?
Whatever I want.
It's my blog.
But to narrow it down here are the roles and -isms I live out (not often well):
- Jesus follower
- Husband of a gorgeous German
- Father of 3 daughters
- Ghostwriter
- Owner of a dumb dog
- Armchair theologian
- Entrepreneurial wannabe
- Voluntarist
- Little "a" apologist
- Creator of silly kid's stories
- Listener of too many podcasts
- Non-fiction book junky
Anyways, time to start writing.